Project Name: TaskWise

TaskWise is a project management application used by CS2103/T project managers.

The user interacts with it via the Command Line Interface (CLI) and it has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) made using JavaFX. It is written in Java, and it has about 14107 LoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

New Features and Components

  • New Feature: Mark Command: #61
    • What it does: Marks a task within the task list as completed.
    • Justifications: Allows the user to mark tasks as completed to allow the task manager to keep track of tasks and whether they are finished or not.
    • Highlights: The task reduces in opacity when it is marked as completed.
    • Credits: Sebastian for implementing the Status class and field necessary for tracking whether the task has been completed or not, as well changing the opacity of the task card depending on its Status.
  • New Feature: Unmark Command: #61
    • What it does: Marks a task within the task list as incomplete.
    • Justifications: Allows the user to mark tasks as incomplete to allow the task manager to keep track of tasks and whether they are finished or not.
    • Highlights: The task becomes opaque when it is marked as incomplete.
    • Credits: Sebastian for implementing the Status class and field necessary for tracking whether the task has been completed or not, as well changing the opacity of the task card depending on its Status.
  • New Component: Deadline: #78
    • What it does: A class that encapsulates the specified deadline of a given task within TaskWise.
    • Justifications:
      • User: Allows users to track the deadlines of each task, which would be displayed along with the task within TaskWise.
      • Developers: By creating a Deadline class, the functionality and expected behaviour of the deadlines within each task would be easier to maintain as well as extend by future developers.
    • Credits: George for assisting with the creation of default deadlines for newly created tasks

Enhancement To Existing Features

  • Updated the Add Command to allow for a variable number of optional arguments from the user: #127
    • Before 1.3, the Add Command was only able to take in a description input from the user in order to create a task within TaskWise. This would result in a task being created with all other fields, like deadlines and priorities being initialised to their default values.
    • As a group, we believed that the user experience would be enhanced if users were given an option to create a task with certain specified fields already initialised to values already given by the user’s input.
    • Therefore, I updated the Add Command from 1.2 to be able to take in additional arguments that are optional, and create a task with these fields already initialised with these given inputs.
  • Code contributed: Link to RepoSense

Project Management

Team Leader :

  • Ensures goals of the team are being met and keeps the group focused on tasks that need to be done.
  • Facilitate discussions among group members
  • Arranges for meetings, and comes up with the meeting agenda before each meeting
  • Ensures that the team is on track to meet the deadlines set by the module coordinator


  • User Guide:
    • Added documentation on the Mark, Unmark, Find and List command.
    • Added planned enhancements to the checking and adding of deadlines, as well as allowing for larger task indices.
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added documentation on the Mark, Unmark, Find and List command.
    • Added corresponding UML diagrams for these commands.
    • Updated the use cases and user stories for these commands.
    • Added documentation on the Deadline class.
    • Added planned enhancements to the checking and adding of deadlines, as well as allowing for larger task indices.

Contributions To Team-based Tasks

  • Created skeletal PPP for the group.
  • Added issues on the GitHub Project board for the group.
  • Uploaded updated UG to the GitHub repo on behalf of the team.
  • Wrote the section on Prefixes under the Features section in the User Guide.
  • Wrote about the marking of tasks in the Tutorial section in the User Guide.
  • Ensure the formatting and the hyperlinks work in the User Guide and Developer Guide.
  • Updated the section on the generic sequence diagram, as well as the partial class diagram of the Logic component in the Developer Guide.
  • Contributed to demo video.

Contributions To Community

  • Helped out with the concerns of other members, such as when they were not sure about certain implementations about code that I wrote as well as existing AB3 code.
  • Helped review some PRs on GitHub.